Fresh Pear Bourbon Cocktail
So. It's Monday and I'm writing about Bourbon. I know, I know.... But hey! it Is Monday. That's reason enough, right!? We survived! Yeay!...

Vegetarian Tater Tot Poutine-w/an Onion Gravy
Ooooooh, baby! Man do I looooove poutine. Every couple months I'll make a trip to Milwaukee to a little place called, Red Dot. What I...

Melty Brie Butter Dip
It's FRIDAY!!! Yeaaaayyyyyyyy! Seriously, this week has gone by so fast. Been going out with friends, had a much needed haircut and I...

Pink Rabbit Drink-Inspired by The National to dull the pain of a Broken Heart
Have you ever just listened to a song over and over (and over), after a break up? Thinking...whoa! This song was written for me. Just me!...

Mexican Egg White Quinoa Breakfast Tacos
Taco-Taco-Tacos! OmNomNom. I am so happy that Taco Tuesday is still a thing. So many really cool restaurants have come out with some...