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Veggie Scrunchwrap Breakfast Burrito & Recap of Recent Dumpster Dive

So, I have been having these cravings for Taco Bell. Like, not normal cravings (no, I'm not with child). Like, I NEED Taco Bell. But my mind and wallet are like, "Nah, girrrl. You good."

But one early morning I was awakened by a call from a friend who saw a couch I had coveted on her neighbors curbside. When I was delivering mail (for a hot second), I saw this awesome couch in a customer's garage. I didn't go walking in, but it caught my eye from the driveway. It had birds on it and I could tell it needed a loving home. I have this weird attraction to old furniture. Like, it has a heart or something (I meant the furniture. Not me of course...). But, I saw this love seat and what appeared to be a matching round couch. A round couch! Again, it was dark in the garage and I was attempting to not be a creeper. Anyway. I reached out to my friend (who is this customer's neighbor) to see if she knew her (she knows everyone) and thought maybe she could ask if they were planning to sell it. Shockingly, she didn't know her. She suggested that I knock on her door. Which, I did not feel comfortable doing. How was said conversation supposed to go? I mean, really? I show on this ladies door in my mail uniform and say that I was peering into her garage and I saw the furniture and wanted to buy it? Meh. That was not going to happen. Like. At all. So, I just imagined this couch in my mind getting better and better. It turned into this fantastic set that I needed to have, but just didn't have the nerve to go talk to some stranger about it. All in fear, of being seen as a weirdo.

So, one morning, I get this call from the same friend and she's like, "hey. Are you sleeping? Get up. That couch you want is on the curb. Go get it. Now!" I jumped out of bed and made a mad dash to the door. I was not letting this magical couch get away or snatched up by someone. It was MY couch. (devily metal voice) MIIIIINE!!! So, I frantically text my step dad asking if I can borrow their truck. He's not answering. He was at work, but this is like THE BEST couch and I needed to get it. I call my mom at home a dozen times trying to wake her up. She finally answers thinking it was a medical emergency and I'm all excited about a couch. She was like, "you want to go pick up garbage?" Garbage!? Jesus. Sometimes, I wonder where I really came from. I show up. It's raining. It's not in as good of shape that I hoped (or remembered) and the circular couch I could barley see from the driveway was actually a HUGE wraparound couch that was beyond my skill set for repair. But here, I woke my mom up, managed to get all the way out there in my pjs. I was getting this couch. No matter how much I didn't love it as much as my imagination made me think I did.

I get to my mom's and she's actually willing to come help me put the couch in the truck. I was all set with having to load this baby by myself. But, help? Heck yea. So, we get to the house and the first thing she says is, "ugh! That thing is hideous!" I was like, "really?" I thought it was pretty cool, but the fact that she hated it, somehow made me love it more.

Aphrodite loves it too.

After we dumpster dived, I offered to treat my mom to some breakfast at Taco Bell. It was right around the corner and like I said, I had been having this craving. Apparently, the Taco Bell by me doesn't do breakfast! I have been waiting almost 2 years to finally try their breakfast menu and the one by me, doesn't even serve breakfast!?! Where am I!!!? Gah!

So, since "the dive". I have been craving Taco bell, and craving it hard. I have no idea what this Breakfast Crunchwrap tastes like, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say my Scrunchwrap tastes better, is better for you and is pretty inexpensive to make at home.

Veggie Scrunchwrap (hopefully Taco Bell doesn't sue me)

Servings: 2 Dumpster Divers


2 Burrito Sized Flour Tortillas

2 Eggs

2 TBS Butter

1/3 Cup Mushrooms-cleaned and sliced

1/4 Cup Diced Red and Yellow Bell Pepper

2 TBS Red Onion-Chopped

1/2 Cup Shredded Cheese of choice

Olive Oil

S & P

Heat small skillet on Med. Throw, onions in first. Saute till soft and translucent. Add mushrooms, and bell peppers. Add a little olive oil if mushrooms keep soaking up the juices. Add salt and pepper. Toss and coat well till veggies are just cooked. Drain and put in a little bowl.

Heat tortillas in oven or microwave. I prefer the oven since I don't own a microwave (I know, shocking).

Heat pan back up to Med-Low and add a little olive oil or butter and scramble eggs. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Take warm tortillas and distribute eggs evenly in middle and then the veggies. Take care not to add any juices, otherwise the tortilla will get soggy. Also make sure there's a nice border that you can wrap well. Add cheese on top and start to wrap the burrito. Place pouches, wrapped side down (so that don't open).

Heat MED Sized pan (big enough to hold a wrap), and add a TBS or so of olive oil. Once warm, cook each side of the tortilla about 5 mins. till golden and the cheese is melty. Make sure the heat isn't too high, you don't want to burn your Scrunchwrap. Place on paper towel to drain and then eat!


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